MNAS Mathematics Emphasis

A scientist working in a lab on campus.

Factor in another subject

Want a flexible master's degree?

The MNAS lets you pair math with another emphasis area to build a graduate program that's right for you.

Why earn the Master of Natural and Applied Science (MNAS) degree at Missouri State?


A smiling student holds a device during a computer science training workshop.
  • Specialize in another topic – Build on your math interests by exploring a related content area (science or non-science).
  • Become more employable – Enhance your knowledge in multiple fields to increase your options in the workforce. You'll use your math skills to excel in other areas, like technology, finance, engineering and more.
  • Tailor your degree – Craft an academic plan that gives you freedom to explore other interests.
  • Expand your education – Conduct research in a cooperative learning environment. Gain helpful insight from your peers and professors.

Specialize in science

What makes the MNAS unique? Flexibility.

You pair one science area (like math) with another area. Your second choice can be another science area (like geography or biology), or a separate field such as education.

Degree options

You can choose math as the primary or secondary emphasis for your MNAS degree.

Complete your degree on the best path for you.

Degree option
Finish in two years if you already have your bachelor's degree.
Degree option
Get a head-start on your graduate studies as you finish your bachelor’s degree.


A professor instructs a student during a computer science workshop.

Career options

With an MNAS degree and math emphasis, you can qualify for a broad range of jobs, such as a(n):

  • Accountant
  • Actuary
  • Computer analyst
  • Statistician
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Secondary or post-secondary education

For more information

Visit the Master of Natural and Applied Science (MNAS) website or contact:

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