Careers and Outcomes

Students and professor in an engineering lab.

Making strides toward your future

Ready to take a big step in your development?

A master's degree in mathematics sets the base for success in your professional life.

Setting goals beyond your master's

Do you have future academic or career plans?

A Master of Science (MS) in Mathematics degree can prepare you for success in doctoral-level studies or the workforce.

  • Boost your credentials with a PhD: As a MSU alumni, you can use your research and problem-solving experience to apply to a PhD program.
  • Career preparation: Enter the workforce or advance in your career. Get the credentials to improve your pay or get a promotion.

Where can you work?

A master's degree can help you secure high-level jobs.

When you're ready to put your education into practice, you can look for jobs as a(n):

  • Actuary
  • Computer analyst
  • Data scientist
  • Lawyer
  • Software engineer
  • Statistician 

Earn a master's in mathematics

Step into a prestigious line of work

Math experts solve problems to make our lives easier. A master's degree makes you even more employable.

Job growth


Projected job outlook for mathematicians and statisticians
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Potential wages


Average annual salary for actuaries
Bureau of Labor Statistics