Four-Year Degree Plans: Math Major

You can typically complete the bachelor’s degree in math in four years (eight semesters). 

You can finish sooner if you have dual credit or transfer credit. Check with your advisor.

Four-year plans: Which degree is best for you?

As a math major, you’ll choose a degree type (BS or BA) that fits your academic goals.

The non-comprehensive degrees require a minor or second major.

Bachelor of Science (BS)

Looking for a deeper focus in math? The Bachelor of Science (BS) is for you.

The non-comprehensive BS has four track options to choose from:

  • Actuarial mathematics
  • Applied mathematics
  • General mathematics
  • Statistics
Sample schedule
Focus your degree on one of four tracks. A minor or second major is also required.
Sample schedule
Have a math degree built just for you. Very customizable and math-oriented.

Bachelor of Arts (BA)

Want a more well-rounded education? Try the Bachelor of Arts (BA).

Sample schedule
Blend math with subjects like language, arts and history. A great choice if you prefer more flexibility or plan to pursue a second major.