Math General Education Courses

The following provides a list of mathematics courses at MSU that are part of the General Education structure under Goal 5.

Four of the courses are part of the core42 in the Missouri Transfer Number system as follows:

More information on the Math Pathways part of the MOTR system can be accessed on the Missouri Math Pathways Initiative website.

Students who place and succeed in MTH 137, MTH 261 or MTH 287 will carry MOTR#130 with them upon transfer.

MTH 130 Contemporary Mathematics

Prerequisite: "C" grade or better in MTH 101 or MTH 103, or approved score on a departmental placement test; Corequisite: Students who do not meet the prerequisite yet have a Math ACT of 19, 20 or 21 (SAT 450 to 509), or a D grade in MTH 101 or MTH 103, or and approved score on the departmental placement exam may enroll in MTH 130 concurrently with MTH 107.

General Education Course (Focus on Quantitative Literacy).

This is a problem solving and applications of mathematics course. Topics to be studied will include, but not limited to: the art of problem solving, geometry, probability, statistics, and mathematics of finance. Cannot count toward a mathematics major or minor. Cannot be taken Pass/Not Pass. MTH 130 does not meet the prerequisite for MTH 136. 3(3-0) F,S

Generic Syllabus: MTH 130 MOTR#120

MTH 134 Algebraic Reasoning and Modeling

Prerequisite: Suitable score on the mathematics placement exam or a grade of "C" or better in MTH 101 or MTH 103.

General Education Course (Focus on Quantitative Literacy).

This course focuses on developing and applying concepts of algebra and statistics to real world data and problems. Reasoning skills will be developed as students analyze data sets with descriptive statistics and by creating and analyzing algebraic models to describe the data. The algebraic functions that will be used in modeling include linear, power, exponential and logarithmic. Technology options will be utilized in the analysis of data. Cannot count toward the mathematics major or minor. Cannot be taken Pass/Not Pass. 3(3-0) F,S,Su

Generic Syllabus: MTH 134 MOTR#120

MTH 136 Precalculus 1

Prerequisite: Suitable placement score on the mathematics placement exam or a grade of "C" or better in MTH 101 or 103.

General Education Course (Focus on Quantitative Literacy). MOTR#130

This course is part one of a two course sequence with emphasis on the analytic, graphical, and numerical representations of functions. The focus of the course is on the library of algebraic functions (polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions) along with higher algebraic reasoning in preparation for the study of Calculus (MTH 261). Grade of "C" or better required to enroll in MTH 137 or MTH 287. Cannot receive credit for both MTH 136 and MTH 138. Cannot count toward the mathematics major or minor. Cannot be taken Pass/Not Pass. 3(3-0) F,S,Su

Generic Syllabus: MTH 136: MOTR#130

MTH 137 Precalculus 2

Prerequisite: "C" grade or better in MTH 136 or suitable score on the Mathematics placement exam.

General Education Course (Focus on Quantitative Literacy).

This course is part two of a two course sequence with emphasis on the analytic, graphical, and numerical representations of functions. The focus of the course is on the library of trigonometric functions along with higher algebraic reasoning and geometric reasoning in preparation for the study of Calculus (MTH 261). Grade of "C" or better required to enroll in MTH 261. Cannot receive credit for both MTH 137 and MTH 138. Cannot count toward the mathematics major or minor. Cannot be taken Pass/Not Pass. 3(3-0) F,S,Su

Generic Syllabus: MTH 137

MTH 138 Pre-Calculus Mathematics

Prerequisite: "C" grade or better in MTH 101 or MTH 103 (Recommended: "B" grade or better in MTH 101 or MTH 103), or appropriate score on the mathematics placement exam.

General Education Course (Focus on Quantitative Literacy)

The course has emphasis on the analytic, graphical, and numerical representations of functions. The focus is on the library of algebraic functions (polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions), the library of trigonometric functions, and a high level of algebraic and geometric reasoning in preparation for the study of Calculus (MTH 261). A grade of "C" or better required to enroll in MTH 261 or MTH 287. Cannot receive credit for both MTH 136 and MTH 138 or for both MTH 137 and MTH 138. Cannot count toward the mathematics major or minor. Cannot be taken Pass/Not Pass. 5(5-0) F,S

Generic Syllabus: MTH 138

MTH 261 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I

Prerequisite: "C" grade or better in MTH 137 or MTH 138 or appropriate placement score.

General Education Course (Focus on Quantitative Literacy).

Analytic geometry of the plane, limits, continuity, differentiation with applications, introductory integration with applications,. A grade of "C" or better is required in this course in order to take MTH 280 or MTH 288. Cannot be taken Pass/Not Pass. 5(5-0) F,S

MTH 287 Computational Calculus with Analytic Geometry I

Prerequisite: "C" or better in MTH 136 or MTH 138, or an approved score on a department placement exam.

General Education Course (Focus on Quantitative Literacy).

Introduction to the concepts and methods of analytic geometry and differential and integral calculus with emphasis on applications in the natural sciences and technology. Cannot receive credit for both MTH 287 and MTH 285. A grade of "C" or better is required in this course in order to take MTH 288. Cannot be taken Pass/Not Pass. 3(3-0) F

Struggling in class? We're here to help

The mathematics department offers many resources to students:

  • Online assessment and learning
  • Sample exams
  • Tutoring
  • Videos