Math Recreations

A big part of mathematics is problem-solving and critical thinking, but who said that it couldn’t be fun, too?

Explore this section to find challenging problems, and you may find a previously unexplored area of math in which you excel.

Choose your category

Problems have been divided into three categories.

Each month, the solution to the previous month's problem will be posted along with the names of those who have solved it.

Primarily for high school students, although everyone is welcome to participate.
Problems which assume some college-level mathematics, typically calculus, but occasionally higher-level courses.
This page does not presuppose a knowledge of calculus, but the problems posed tend to be of a more challenging nature.

Other puzzle and problem resources

If you have a link to a "non-commercial" site you'd like to add, send it to Dr. Les Reid . The site can be affiliated with a company, but the principal purpose of the page should be problem-solving, not trying to sell something.